Even with a bad shoulder I managed to turn over a good size square which will soon be the home of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme! My daughter (mummymoments1) gave me some herb plants for Mother's Day and these will soon be living at the allotment. I also want to add two more herb types but haven't decided which ones to grow yet.
I am going to try to source some seeds for Shiso Leaf - a Japanese substitute for Corriander and give it a try.
During the week I will pop back for an hour or two and start preparing this herb bed, once the grass roots have dried out and can be extracated from the soil. Some good compost will be added and mixed in to completely change the claggy texture of the soil and the bed will be ready for planting.
I will also be siting the tyres and filling the bottom with rubble although it is not nearly time to plant the courgettes.
It will be good to see things starting to shape up!
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